שאלות נפוצות
אם אתה מחפש מידע נוסף על תהליך הבקשה ל-ESTA או לעיין בשאלות הנפוצות, אנא עיין בנושאי העזרה שלהלן.
מהי המערכת האלקטרונית לאישור נסיעה (ESTA)?
כדי לחזק את אבטחת הנסיעה לארצות הברית במסגרת תוכנית ויתור ויזה, שופרו הדרישות לנסיעה ללא ויזה. ילידי מדינות תוכנית ויתור ויזה עדיין יהיו זכאים לטייל ללא ויזה, אך הם יצטרכו לקבל אישור נסיעה מאושר לפני נסיעתם לארצות הברית.
המחלקה לביטחון המולדת והמכס והגנת הגבולות של ארצות הברית סיפקו אתר מאובטח עם טופס אוטומטי עבורך או לצדדים שלישיים למילוי ובקשת אישור נסיעה. לאחר שתזין את הפרטים הביוגרפיים, הנסיעות והתשלום הנדרשים באתר המאובטח, המערכת תעבד את בקשתך כדי לקבוע אם אתה זכאי לנסוע לארצות הברית במסגרת תוכנית ויתור ויזה ללא ויזה. המערכת תספק מענה אוטומטי ולפני העלייה למטוס, מפעיל יוודא אלקטרונית מול המכס והגנת הגבולות של ארצות הברית שיש לו אישור נסיעה מאושר רשום.
המערכת האלקטרונית לאישור נסיעות (ESTA) היא מערכת אוטומטית המשמשת לקביעת זכאות המבקר לנסוע לארצות הברית במסגרת תוכנית ויתור ויזה (VWP) והאם הנסיעה האמורה מהווה סיכון ביטחוני או איום על הסדר הציבורי.
אישור ESTA מאפשר לנוסע לעלות על מטוס כדי לנסוע לארצות הברית במסגרת ה-VWP. חברות תעופה פרטיות חייבות להיות חברות תעופה מנויות בתוכנית ויזה ויזה. אתה יכול לראות את רשימת חברות התעופה הרשומות. למרות ש-CBP ממליץ לך לבקש זאת לפחות 72 שעות לפני הנסיעה, אתה יכול לבקש זאת בכל עת לפני העלייה למטוס. ברוב המקרים, תקבל תשובה מיד לאחר הגשת הבקשה.
ESTA אינה ויזה. הוא אינו עומד בדרישות החוק לשימוש במקום ויזה לארה"ב כאשר הוויזה היא חובה. מטיילים עם אשרת ארה"ב תקפה יכולים לנסוע איתה לארצות הברית, למטרה שהונפקה. נוסעים עם ויזות תקפות לא צריכים להגיש בקשה לאישור ESTA. באותו אופן שבו ויזה תקפה אינה מבטיחה כניסה לארה"ב, אישור ESTA מאושר אינו ערובה לכניסה לארה"ב.
ESTA הפכה לחובה ב-12 בינואר 2009. מבקשי VWP חייבים למלא הצהרת מכס כחולה עם הגעתם לארה"ב, בין אם יש להם אישור ESTA ובין אם לאו. מטיילי VWP כבר לא צריכים למלא את טופס הגרין קארד I-94W.
הבקשות שאושרו על ידי ESTA תקפות לתקופה של שנתיים או עד לפקיעת תוקף הדרכון, לפי המוקדם מבניהם, והן מאפשרות נסיעות מרובות לארצות הברית, כשהנוסע לא צריך לבקש שוב אישור ESTA נוסף. כאשר נוסעים לארה"ב, עם אישור ESTA מאושר, אתה יכול להישאר רק עד 90 יום בכל פעם, וחייב להיות פרק זמן סביר בין ביקורים כדי שסוכן CBP לא יחשוב שאתה מנסה לגור שם . אין דרישה קבועה לזמן שבו עליך להמתין בין ביקור אחד למשנהו.
נוסעים שבקשת ה- ESTA שלהם מאושרת, אך תוקף הדרכונים שלהם יפוג תוך פחות משנתיים, יקבלו אישור ESTA בתוקף עד תאריך תפוגת הדרכון.
נדרש אישור ESTA חדש אם:
- הונפק לך דרכון חדש,
- שינוי שם (ראשון ו/או אחרון)
- שינוי מין (ל-ESTA אין כרגע מין X לבחירה באפליקציה). מומלץ למטיילים לבחור באפשרות שהם מרגישים איתה הכי נוח. הרשאת ESTA לא תישלל רק על ידי המגדר שנבחר בבקשה.
- שינוי מדינת האזרחות
- הנסיבות שלך משתנות; למשל, אם אתה נמצא אשם בפשע נגד המוסר והמנהגים הטובים, או אם אתה חולה במחלה מדבקת. עליך להגיש בקשה חדשה, אשר חייבת לשקף את הנסיבות שהשתנו.
- לחלופין, ייתכן שתימנעו ממך כניסה עם הגעתך לארצות הברית. תוכל לקבל מידע נוסף על מקרים אחרים של אי זכאות באתר אתר משרד החוץ האמריקאי
DHS ממליץ לך להגיש בקשה לאישור של ESTA, ברגע שאתה יודע שאתה תיסע לארצות הברית תחת ה-VWP. אם תוקף הרשאת ה-ESTA שלך יפוג בזמן שאתה בארה"ב, זה לא ישפיע על היציאה שלך.
שימו לב: חשוב שתדפיס עותק של מסמך הקבלה כדי לשמור אותו ברשומות. אינך צריך להדפיס את הטופס כאשר אתה מגיע לארה"ב, כי לסוכנים כבר יש את המידע בצורה אלקטרונית.
מה ההבדל בין אישור ESTA לויזה?
אישור נסיעה מאושר אינו ויזה. זה לא עומד בדרישות החוקיות או הרגולטוריות להחלפת ויזה לארה"ב כאשר חוקי ארה"ב דורשים כזו. מי שיש לו ויזה תקפה עדיין יכול לנסוע איתה לארצות הברית, בתנאי שהיא משמשת למטרה שלשמה ניתנה. אין צורך שנוסעים עם ויזה בתוקף לבקש אישור נסיעה.
מי עומד בדרישות להגשת בקשה?
אתה זכאי להגיש בקשה להתקבל במסגרת תוכנית ויתור ויזה (VWP) אם אתה:
- אתה מתכוון להיכנס לארצות הברית לשהייה מקסימלית של 90 יום או פחות, מסיבות תיירותיות או עסקיות, או אם אתה במעבר.
- יש לך דרכון תקף שהונפק באופן חוקי על ידי מדינה המשתתפת בתוכנית ויתור ויזה.
- הגעה באמצעות חברת תעופה החתומה על תוכנית ויתור ויזה.
- יש לך כרטיס הלוך ושוב או להמשיך בטיול.
- הטיול אינו מסתיים בטריטוריה רציפה וגם לא באיים סמוכים, אלא אם המטייל הוא תושב אחד מאותם אזורים.
- אתה אזרח או זר המגיע מאחת המדינות של תוכנית ויתור ויזה המפורטות להלן:
- אנדורה
- אוֹסטְרַלִיָה
- אוֹסְטְרֵיָה
- בלגיה
- ברוניי
- צ'ילה
- הרפובליקה הצ'כית
- דנמרק
- אסטוניה
- פינלנד
- צָרְפַת
- גֶרמָנִיָה
- יָוָן
- הונגריה
- אִיסלַנד
- אירלנד
- אִיטַלִיָה
- יפן
- לטביה
- ליכטנשטיין
- ליטא
- לוקסמבורג
- הרפובליקה של מלטה
- מונקו
- הולנד
- ניו זילנד
- נורווגיה
- פּוֹלִין
- פּוֹרטוּגָל
- סן מרינו
- סינגפור
- סלובקיה
- סלובניה
- דרום קוריאה
- סְפָרַד
- שבדיה
- שוויץ
- טייוואן[1]
- הממלכה המאוחדת
- סוכן בדיקת המכס והגנת הגבולות של ארצות הברית חייב לציין שאתה זכאי להתקבל במסגרת תוכנית ויתור ויזה וכי אינך פסול על פי חוק ההגירה והלאום.
- מוותר על כל זכות לעיון חוזר או ערעור על החלטת הקבילה של סוכן המכס והגנת הגבולות של ארצות הברית, או מחלוקת, מלבד מחלוקת המבוססת על בקשה או בקשת מקלט, על כל אמצעי הרחקה שנגזר מבקשת קבלה לפי תוכנית ויתור ויזה.
- מאשרת מחדש, באמצעות הגשת מזהים ביומטריים (כולל טביעות אצבע ותצלומים) במהלך ההליך עם הגעתך לארצות הברית, ויתור שלך על כל זכות לעיון מחדש או ערעור על החלטת הזכאות של סוכן המכס והגנת הגבולות של ארצות הברית, או מחלוקת - מלבד מחלוקת המבוססת על בקשת מקלט - על אמצעי הרחקה הנגזר מבקשת קבלה במסגרת תוכנית ויתור ויזה.
- Does not pose a threat to the welfare, health, safety or security of the United States.
- You have fulfilled all the admission requirements during the previous entries under the Visa Waiver Program.
NOTE: British citizens only with the unrestricted right of permanent abode in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
[1] With regards to any reference to “country” or “countries” made in this document, it should be noted that the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, Pub. L. No. 96-8, Section 4 (b) (1), states that “provided that the laws of the United States refer to, or are related to, countries, nations, states, governments or similar foreign entities, such conditions and laws shall include and be imposed with regards to Taiwan.” 22 U.S.C. § 3303 (b) (1). Also, any reference to “country” or “countries” that appear in the legislation authorizing the Waiver Program Visa, Section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 1187, will be interpreted to include Taiwan. This is consistent with the one-China policy of the United States, for which the United States has maintained unofficial relations with Taiwan since 1979.
האם עלי לבקש אישור ESTA אם...?
I?m a Canadian citizen?
No, Canadian citizens who travel with a Canadian passport don?t need an ESTA authorization.
I?m a permanent resident of Canada?
If you are a permanent resident of Canada and a citizen of a country that participates in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) and enters the United States by land, an ESTA authorization is not required. If you don?t have an ESTA authorization, you will be asked to complete the I-94W printed form and proceed through the manual entry process at the land border crossing. If you have an ESTA authorization approved when you enter the United States through the border crossing, you will NOT have to complete the I-94W printed form and your entry process will be speeded up. If you are going to the United States by air or sea, you MUST apply for ESTA authorization. If you are not a citizen of a country covered by the VWP, you are required to have a visa and, therefore, ESTA authorization does not apply to your situation.
I?m a legal permanent resident of the United States and a citizen of a country that participates in the VWP?
I?m a citizen of a country covered by the VWP and I?m visiting the United States from Canada or Mexico?
If you are a citizen of a country that participates in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) and you enter the United States by land from Mexico or Canada, an ESTA authorization is not required. If you don?t have an ESTA authorization, you will be asked to complete the I-94W printed form and go through the manual entry process at the land border crossing. If you have an ESTA authorization approved when you enter the United States through the border crossing, you will NOT have to complete the I-94W printed form and your entry process will be speeded up. However, if it?s already issued, you must return your I-94W green card when leaving the United States. If you arrive by air or sea, you must request ESTA authorization.
I am a citizen of a country that participates in the VWP and I am traveling to the United States by air in transit through the country?
Yes, you must apply for ESTA authorization, even if you are only in transit through the United States. In the address request space in the form, write “in transit.”
I have dual citizenship both from a country that participates in the VWP and from one that doesn?t?
If you are flying in compliance with VWP conditions, with your VWP passport, you must apply for ESTA authorization. If you are using the passport of the country that doesn?t participate in the VWP, you will need a visa and, therefore, the ESTA authorization applies in your case.
I?m the citizen of a country that participates in the VWP and I am on my way to Guam or to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (or CNMI, for its acronym in English)?
For international travel to Guam/CNMI under the VWP, an ESTA authorization is needed. The nationalities that meet the VWP requirements for Guam/CNMI can travel to these places under that program, without the need for ESTA authorization. However, in regards to the VWP for Guam/CNMI, the maximum stay is 45 days and is restricted to those islands only; the trip can?t be to the United States..
The trip from the United States to Guam/CNMI is considered as a national flight, so no ESTA authorization is needed. Travelers must go through a prior inspection to travel from Guam/CNMI to the United States. If that trip takes place under the VWP, they will need ESTA authorization.
I?m a citizen of a country that participates in the VWP and I?m traveling for business or tourism reasons for a short period of time, under the VWP, to Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands?
Yes, an ESTA authorization is needed to travel to these places.
I?m traveling with a minor (less than 18 years of age) who is a citizen of a country that participates in the VWP?
If the child is traveling to the United States under the VWP as a tourist for 90 days or less, he or she must apply for an ESTA approval separately.
…I?m a US citizen with dual citizenship in a country that participates in the VWP?
US citizens are not required to have an ESTA authorization and must use their US passport to travel to the United States.
…I have a valid visa?
Those who have a valid visa can use it to travel to the United States, for the purpose for which it was issued. Those who travel with a valid visa don?t have to apply for an ESTA authorization..
מהי תוכנית ויתור ויזה?
The Visa Waiver Program allows foreigners from certain countries to travel to the United States for business or tourism, for stays of up to 90 days, without the need to obtain a visa. Travelers admitted under the Visa Waiver Program must agree to waive their reconsideration or appeal rights, as explained in the Waiver of Rights section of the application. For more information, see: Who meets the requirements to apply for admission under the Visa Waiver Program?.For more information, see §217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1187, and 8 C.F.R. § 217.
מה קורה אם שכחתי את מספר הבקשה שלי?
To retrieve an individual request, select “Check ESTA status” on the home page. If you don?t know your application number, enter your last name, first name (nickname) and country of issuance of the passport, in addition to your passport number and birth date.
How does the U.S. Government protect the privacy of my data, and who has access to it?
The information provided by applicants through ESTA electronic portal is subject to the same strict privacy regulations and controls that have been established for similar traveler pre-assessment programs. Access to such information is limited to those who have a professional need to know it.
מתי אדע אם אושרתי?
In most cases, the Electronic System for Travel Authorization will show the status of the request immediately. In those cases in which more time is needed to process an electronic travel authorization request, a response will usually be received within 72 hours. If you receive a “pending” response, you will receive information to verify the status of your request. The three possible responses to an electronic travel authorization request are:
האם אני צריך לבקש אישור ESTA בשם הילדים שלי?
Yes, children accompanied or unaccompanied (regardless of age), who are nationals or citizens of countries with visa exemption, are required to have their own ESTA approval before traveling to the United States.
If you filled out an ESTA application for a minor, you can check the second option in the Rights Exemption section (only for third parties). You must understand ESTA terms on behalf of your child (ren) and you must answer the questions and statements truthfully as their legal representative.
Children listed in their parents’ passports don?t qualify for ESTA application. Children must have their own passport (without expiring) in order to qualify for ESTA.
Children’s passports (Kinderreisepass) do not participate in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), unless they have been issued or extended before October 26, 2006. The document must meet the VWP’s eligibility requirements, that is, it must be readable by machine and, if it was issued/ renewed/extended after October 26, 2005, it must have a digital photograph of the owner integrated into the biographical information page. The identification numbers of all children (Kinderausweis) require a visa and don?t participate in the VWP.
אם אושרה, האם אישור הנסיעה מבטיח את הכניסה שלי לארצות הברית?
If your electronic travel authorization is approved, it is established that you have the right to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program, but it does not guarantee that you will be admitted to the country. Upon your arrival in the United States, you will be inspected by a Customs and Border Protection agent at the port of entry, who may determine that you are not eligible under the Visa Waiver Program or for any other reason dictated by US law.
Why Do I Need To Fill Out An Application If I Travel To The United States Under The Visa Waiver Program??
The recommendations implemented on September 11, 2007 in the “Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007” (9/11 Act) modified by Section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to establish an electronic travel authorization system and other measures to improve the security of the Visa Waiver Program. The ESTA adds another level of security that allows DHS to determine, prior to travelling, whether a person meets the requirements to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program, and if such a trip poses a security or public order risk.
Is My Information Secure?
Yes, this electronic web portal is administered by the Government of the United States and uses technology that prevents unauthorized access to the information you enter and consult. In addition, this electronic portal operates in accordance with the rules and regulations specified in the United States Privacy Act to ensure the privacy of your information.
For How Long Will My Application Information Be Stored?
The ESTA application information will remain active for the period of time that the approved ESTA authorization is valid, which is usually two years, or until the traveler’s passport expires, whichever comes first. Subsequently, DHS will keep this information for another year, and then it will be archived for twelve years in order to allow its recovery for public order, national security or investigation purposes. Once archived, the number of officials with access to information will be even more restricted. This is consistent with both the CBP border search authority, and the border security mission mandated to CBP by Congress. The information linked to current public order surveillance records, to coincidences with CBP execution activities, or to investigations or cases, including ESTA requests denied, will remain accessible for the duration of the public order activities with which they are related.
DHS has transitioned to an electronic I-94W form and, therefore, ESTA application data will replace those collected through the printed I-94W form. In those cases in which ESTA application data is used in place of the information collected through the printed I-94W form, the information contained in ESTA application will be retained according to the I-94W retention program, for 75 years.
Is My Information Shared With Anyone?
It is possible that the information collected and preserved in ESTA will be used by other DHS officers to the extent that they have to know it, in accordance with their mission.
Under current agreements between DHS and the Department of State (DOS), the information submitted during an ESTA application can be shared with DOS consular officers to help them determine whether or not a visa should be issued to an applicant after an application travel authorization has been denied.
The information may be shared with tribal, local, state, federal and foreign government agencies, or with multilateral government organizations responsible for investigating or prosecuting violations of laws, rules, regulations, orders or permits, or enforcing them, or when DHS considers that the information will help in the compliance with the laws, whether civil or criminal. In addition, the information may be shared when DHS considers such use reasonable to assist in counterterrorism or intelligence gathering work that has to do with national or international security, or transnational crime investigation. All disclosures will correspond to the Privacy Act System of Records Notice, which was published in the Official Gazette on June 10, 2008 and is available on the DHS website.
Although they will not receive the information from the ESTA application that travelers provide to DHS, airlines will receive a confirmation of the status of a passenger in ESTA, via the Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS), indicating whether an ESTA authorization is or not necessary and if said authorization was granted or not.
What If It Is Determined That A Visa Waiver Program Applicant Is Not Admissible?
Travelers who apply for admission to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program and are determined to not to be eligible to enter the country will be denied admission and will return to their country of origin or to a third country for which the traveler has a round-trip ticket, on board the airline where he/she has arrived to the United States.
Who Needs A Travel Authorization?
All passengers traveling under the Visa Waiver Program need an approved travel authorization before leaving for the United States, either by air or sea. Even babies exempt from paying airline tickets must have an approved travel authorization on their behalf if they don?t have a visa to travel to the United States. The request can be presented by a third party in behalf of someone traveling under the Visa Waiver Program.
For How Long Is My Authorization Valid?
Unless revoked, travel authorizations are valid for two years from the date of authorization or until your passport expires, whichever comes first. The approved Authorization screen shows the expiration date of your travel authorization.
Generally, your ESTA authorization is valid for several trips over the course of two years (from the date of its approval) or until your passport expires, whichever comes first *. This means that, as long as you have received an ESTA authorization to travel, you don?t have to reapply during the validity period.
If your ESTA authorization expires while in the United States, this will not affect your departure from the country.
Notice: It is important that you PRINT a copy of the document to keep it as proof. You don?t need the form when you arrive to the United States, because the agents already have the information electronically.
Receiving the ESTA authorization doesn?t mean that you can stay in the United States for two years. It only allows you to travel to the United States according to the conditions of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), which only allows you to stay in the United States for 90 days. If you plan to stay for more than 90 days, you must obtain a visa from the nearest US embassy or consulate.
* If you obtain a new passport, or if you change your name, gender or nationality, you will have to request a new travel authorization. This will also be necessary if any of your answers to any of the eligibility questions for the VWP change. You will be charged a related amount of US $64 for each new application.
Notice: Although CBP recommends that you submit your request at least 72 hours before your trip, you may do so at any time before boarding. In most cases, you will receive a response seconds after sending a request.
Is My Payment Information Secure?
Yes. ESTA system does not retain your payment information after the transaction is processed.
When Should I Submit An ESTA Application?
Applications can be submitted at any time before traveling to the United States. The Department of Homeland Security recommends that travel authorization requests must be submitted at least 72 hours before travel. Unless revoked, travel authorizations are valid for two years from the date of authorization or until your passport expires, whichever comes first.
Can I Apply For ESTA Without Having A Confirmed Travel Plan?
Yes. A specific travel plan is not required at the time of application, but you will need a contact liaison in the United States.
While a specific travel plan is not required, it is recommended that you provide the address where you will be staying in the United States to complete the application. If you plan to be in multiple places, you should only enter the first address. If you don?t know the full address, you can enter the name of the hotel or the place you will visit.
If you are in transit, select “yes” to the question: “Is your trip to the United States in transit to another country?” in the Travel Information section.
How Do I Correct An Error In My Application?
The website will allow applicants to review and correct their data before submitting the application, including reconfirmation of their passport number. Before sending an application with the required payment information, you can correct all the data fields, except for the passport number and country of issuance of the passport. If an applicant made a mistake in his/her biographical information or his/her passport, he/she will have to send a new application. You will be charged the amount stipulated for each new application you submit. Any other error can be corrected or updated by clicking on “Check individual status” in “Check ESTA status”. If the applicant was wrong to answer the eligibility questions, he/she must click on the link in the CBP Information Center at the bottom of each page.
My Country Of Issue Is Not In The ESTA Downloadable Menu, Other Problems Of Passport Eligibility?
If you can?t find your country of issuance in the drop-down menu, make sure you are selecting the correct country. Your “Country of issuance” is the same as your “Country of Nationality”. For example, if you are a citizen of the United Kingdom but obtained your passport at the UK Consulate in Hong Kong, then UK is your country of issuance. The UK Consulate can be found in Hong Kong, but Hong Kong is not the country issuing your passport.
Otherwise, if you can?t find the name of your country of issuance or country of nationality, you probably should not request an ESTA authorization. Only citizens of the countries that participate in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) must request an ESTA authorization.
If you have dual nationality and you are registered in ESTA, you must use a passport that meets VWP requirements to board the plane when leaving the country of departure and upon arrival in the United States. If the two countries of your nationality meet VWP requirements, we strongly recommend that you choose which one you wish to declare for the purposes of your trip to the United States and use that country’s passport each time you travel. If a person has two different ESTA authorizations generates a confusion that will only delay your trip.
If you are a citizen of the United States, but also of a country that participates in the VWP, you should not apply for ESTA authorization. One of the requirements of being a naturalized US citizen is to apply for and use a US passport to travel. Though we are aware that in some cases, naturalized citizens of the United States may use the passport of their alternative country to travel, our expectation is that you use the United States passport to travel from another country to the United States in both points of the trip, when leaving the foreign country and when arriving to the United States.
If you have a real emergency and you can?t get your US passport before your travels and you only have a passport that participates in the VWP, then you will have to apply for ESTA authorization with that passport to travel to the United States. When you arrive at the US airport with your foreign passport, you will have to go through the non-residents line.
What Should I Do If The Information In My Passport Changed Or Expired?
If you obtain a new passport or change your passport information, you must request a new travel authorization and pay the stipulated amounts. See “Which information can I update?” For a complete description of the information that can be changed after the submission of your application.
Can I Know Why My Application Was Denied?
DHS carefully developed the ESTA program to ensure that travel authorization is denied only to those who are not eligible to travel to the United States through the Visa Waiver Program or determine those whose trip would require police action or those who pose a risk of security. While ESTA website provides a link to the DHS Travel Redress Inquiry Program (TRIP) website, there is no guarantee that a request to rectify through DHS TRIP will resolve the non-eligibility for Visa Waiver Program that caused ESTA request to be denied.
Keep in mind that embassies and consulates cannot provide details about ESTA denials or solve the problem that caused the ESTA denial. Embassies and consulates may process an application for a non-immigrant visa, which, if approved, will be the only way in which the traveler, whose ESTA application has been denied, may be authorized to travel to the United States.
What Should I Do If I Don?t Receive The Approval To Travel?
If you receive an unauthorized Trip response to your authorization request, but wish to continue with your travel plans, please visit the Department of State website at www.travel.state.gov for additional information on how to apply for a visa. The denial of a travel authorization only prohibits you from traveling under the Visa Waiver Program and does not mean that you are not eligible to obtain an approved visa to travel to the United States. In the event that your travel authorization is not approved, no court will have any jurisdiction to evaluate an eligibility decision on ESTA.
Can I Submit A New Application If The First One Was Denied?
If a traveler is denied ESTA authorization and their circumstances have not changed, the new application will also be denied. A traveler who does not meet ESTA requirements does not have the right to travel under the Visa Waiver Program and must apply for a nonimmigrant visa at a US embassy or consulate. Submitting a new application using false information to comply with the requirements of a travel authorization will permanently disable the traveler as a candidate to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program.
What Do I Do If The Travel Authorization Is Denied And I Need To Travel Immediately?
Unfortunately, the Department of State can?t guarantee day-to-day appointments due to the changing demand for visas. You will find information about the appointment process available in the nearest consulate section or in the Department of State’s website. As a result, travelers are urged to request ESTA approval in advance of the date of their trip.
Will ESTA Authorization Be Denied If I Leave Any Mandatory form Fields In White?
All mandatory spaces must be filled out. If erroneous information is introduced, this doesn?t mean that the application will be necessarily denied, but it can require a manual adjudication (and, therefore, it will take more time) before CBP gives a response to the applicant.
When Should I Request A New ESTA Authorization?
ייתכן שתזדקק לאישור נסיעה חדש בכל אחת מהנסיבות הבאות:
o למטייל מונפקת דרכון חדש.
o המטייל משנה את שמו.
o הנוסע משנה מגדר.
הנוסע משנה את אזרחותו; אוֹ.
o קיים שינוי בנסיבות הבסיסיות של התשובות הקודמות של הנוסע לכל אחת מהשאלות של אפליקציית inESTA המחייבות תשובה ב"כן" או "לא".
בדרך כלל, אישורי הרשאות נסיעה יינתנו לתקופה של שנתיים או עד שפג תוקפו של דרכונו של המבקש, המוקדם מביניהם. ESTA תספק את התאריכים לתוקף כאשר הבקשה תאושר. לכן, נוסע חייב לבקש אישור נסיעה חדש מה-ESTA כאשר תוקפו יפוג, אישור מוקדם או דרכון של המבקש. תחויב בתשלום קבוע עבור כל בקשה חדשה שתגיש.
How Do I Renew My Authorization?
אם פג תוקף הרשאת ה-ESTA שלך, עליך להגיש בקשה מחדש על ידי הגשת בקשה חדשה בכתובת esta.cbp.dhs.gov. לא ניתן להאריך את ההרשאות הקיימות.
אינך צריך לחכות לתוקף הרשאת ESTA שלך כדי להגיש בקשה מחדש; אתה יכול לעשות את זה בכל עת. אם אתה מקבל הודעה שאומרת, "נמצאה בקשה מאושרת תקפה לדרכון זה, עם יותר מ-30 יום פנויים, כדי לשלוח בקשה זו, עליך לשלם עבורה, ולבטל את הקיימת." אז אתה יכול פשוט להמשיך עם היישום החדש שלך. בקשת ESTA הקודמת שלך תבוטל ותוחלף בחדשה.
בדרך כלל, אישורי ESTA ניתנים לתקופה של שנתיים או עד שפג תוקפו של הדרכון של המבקש, המוקדם מביניהם. האישור תקף למספר קבלות - מה שאומר שאתה יכול להשתמש בו ליותר מכניסה אחת לארצות הברית. ה-ESTA מספק את תאריכי התוקף של אישור הבקשה. תחויב בעמלה שנקבעה הקשורה בסך US $ 64.00 עבור כל בקשה חדשה.